Reducing costs for Workers Compensation
and General Liability

Key Elements

Captures multimedia evidence

Analytics on incident incident trends

Cloud storage of incidents reports


Increases reporting compliance

Immediate FNOL to your carrier or TPA

Reduce lag time in reporting


Forms built to your specifications

Generate and fill State Workers’ Compensation forms

Configurable routing workflows for FNOL

Workers' Compensation

ML Intake for Workers’ Compensation takes the heavy lifting out of reporting an incident and filing a claim. ML Intake makes the reporting process easy, thus increasing compliance with timely reporting standards. By pre-filling location information, payroll data, and other data points, your managers can focus on timely and accurate reporting of the incident and ensuring proper care for the injured team member. 


· Information on-site, at the source
· Photos, videos, and witness statements
· All information needed to begin claim processing

Complete and Send

· FNOL sent to carriers and TPAs
· Immediate notice to key internal roles
· All records retained securely in the cloud


· Employee data from payroll systems
· Individual location data 
· FEINs and reporter information

General Liability

ML Intake for General Liability allows your business to take a proactive approach in the unpredictable world of General Liability. At the time of a GL incident, ML Intake provides a simple way to complete the incident report. A full defense file is created including, photos, videos, and audio statements. Arming yourself with a complete defensible file is only part of the equation. Mobotory combines the incident file with external data and plugs it into our machine learning and artificial intelligence engine to give you a look into the future. Our engine is able to predict problematic claims providing you with the likelihood of representation, the likelihood of litigation, and the total claim cost. As updates in the claim evolve our engine will automatically adjust the results. This allows your business to better manage claims head-on from day 1 before they become too costly.

AI & Machine Learning

Machine learning is the process of automatically discovering patterns in data. Once identified, a pattern can be used to make predictions.  A main driver of innovation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applies machine learning to guide actions and decisions towards the best outcome. AI acts based on its experiences, it also learns from interactions to suggest  & complete new tasks.